Happy Holidays 2021

Mike Milligan |

Let this be my new tradition; a Holiday BLOG (in place of a card) to you that will be filled with a message I would hope you hear from me this holiday season and signed with love minus the cute picture on the front of the card, the stamp and burdening the Postal Service with more mail that may be late.

We would like you to know that those people we serve as clients are special to us. You allow us to hear your story and craft a financial plan that meets your needs. The joy it gives us to see how we impact your lives on social media with the pictures of vacations, new toys or through the phone calls we get that tell us you are financially secure; they truly mean the most to us.

To our partners who assist us with serving our clients, we can’t thank you enough. You allow us to bring world class strategies and solutions to the clients we serve. If you were not brave enough to start and operate your business and hire exceptional talent to maximize the value our clients can receive, our firm could not be successful. Thank you for taking the risk so our clients can be secure.

And those prospects we have spoken with this year, we heard you and offered you some solutions that put you in a better position.  We understand everyone we talk with is not prepared to make a financial commitment to a strategy at that time because of other circumstances; just know we will be here ready to serve and help you when you are ready.  So…


Cheers to the New Year.  Let’s make this one the best year yet!


From the team at Ideas by Mike

Mike Milligan

Kaitlan Costner

Kelsey Koo

Becky Luck

Kim Salazar