Our process starts with listening: listening to your experiences, your fears, and most importantly, your goals. We'll use your story and our ideas to create a strategy for the life you want: no matter your age, stage of life, or definition of success.

Our First Connect

No matter your financial goals, our journey together will always start with a strategy call. Here's what to expect when we talk:

  • We'll listen and learn about your story, your resources, and your goals, and you'll hear about our philosophy, our stories, and how we're different.
  • We'll use these stories to outline a one-page financial strategy for your one-of-a-kind life, which we'll send you after our call.
  • We'll schedule a solution call to review your hand-crafted, easy-to-understand financial plan based on your values and priorities.
Financial Holistic Planning Process | Ideas By Mike Virginia


Your financial plan should included these five components:


  Tax Planning
  Investment Planning
  Retirement Income Planning
  Long Term Care Planning
  Legacy Planning


Comprehensive Financial & Wealth Planning | Ideas By Mike

When you fail to plan, you're planning to fail. We're here to make sure you succeed.

Whether you're thinking about planning for retirement, buying a home, or building wealth for the next generation in your family, it all starts with a tailor-made plan based on your story.

Tax Planning: Taxes are the largest expense you will pay in your lifetime. We'll help you create tax-free retirement income, avoid and lower fees on your investments, and reduce your investment risk so you keep more of what's yours.

Investment Planning: What do you want your money to do for you? We'll help you invest based on your risk tolerance and comprehensive financial plan, plus provide consistent management to get the most out of your accounts.

Retirement Income Planning: Enjoy your retirement years and leave a long-term legacy. We'll help you anticipate the right moves for the right savings, and make a tax-efficient plan for maximizing your growth and setting up the next generation to thrive.

Long-Term Care Planning: We don't just want you to retire. We want you to thrive. Planning for your long-term care needs and supporting you as your needs change is our ultimate goal. We use tools like HALO (Health Analysis & Longevity Optimizer) to help create more predictability. Click here to complete the free HALO assessment today.

Legacy Planning: Your legacy is your decision. We help you create a plan that gives you peace of mind and clarity knowing that your wishes are outlined and legally documented for when the time comes.